Visit to Jyoti Automation Pvt. Ltd, Rajkot for Semester 4th was arranged in 2015

To have practical exposure of various activities & process involved in developing a product.  Jyoti CNC is involved in manufacturing of CNC machines (lathe, milling) from smallest size 4 to 5 ATH (Automotive Tool Holder) to big size 20 ATH to double pallet table & so on.


Wonderful experience of various technologies involved in casting process & fabrication of sheet metals. Also had an exposed to latest machineries.

Learning from visit:

Came to know several things which were there in books & student were able to given practical touch to there learning.


  • More & more visits should be encouraged.
  • Can all for campus interview.
Company Name Jyoti Automation Pvt. Ltd.
Location G.I.D.C. – GATE 2, Rajkot
Date 15/03/15 & 22/03/15
Time 12:00 PM
Semester 4TH– A& B
Name of Department Mechanical
Number of Students visited 44& 36
Number of Faculties accompanied 2& 2